How Does Carpool Work?
Morning Drop Off
Cars should enter the carpool lane from the north (back) side of the school off of Alta Vista Lane, and turn south onto the east side of the school (Wonderland Trail). In the morning, all students can be dropped off close to the door that is farthest south on the building. (Closest to the corner of Wonderland Trail and North Haven). A member of the staff will be at the door to ensure students enter the building and go to the correct place. Stay in your car, and do not park in the carpool lane. If you need to assist a student carrying something into the school, park in the lot on Northaven that is west of the school and teacher lot.
For the safety of all students, please do not have children cross Wonderland Trail in the middle of the block. Please do not drop off children on Alta Vista on the back side of the school, where it is hard to see them for the staff monitoring carpool. Also, please respect the students arriving by bus: DO NOT ENTER, STOP, OR PARK in the designated bus lane area in front of the school during morning or afternoon car pool.
It is ok to walk your kindergartner to their classroom during the first week of school. Following the first week, you will be limited to walking them into the lobby or driving carpool.
For Afternoon Pick Up
For Drivers: Again enter from Wonderland Trail. However, it is difficult to turn left there, and it is recommended that cars enter the line by heading east on Alta Vista from Cox Lane. Students will be released beginning at 2:55pm and will wait in their classrooms. Members of the staff will use walkie talkies to communicate to teachers the release of students. Parents will be provided with car tags that identify their students.
This is a busy time of day. Please help to keep the line moving by doing the following:
• Have your car tag clearly visible.
• Keep moving (do not park in the lane)
• During loading, keep conversations with teachers to a minimum.
• Watch for pedestrians
It is against the law to use cell phones in school zones when school zone lights are flashing.
Respect the students arriving by bus: DO NOT ENTER, STOP, OR PARK in the designated bus lane area in front of the school during morning or afternoon car pool.
For Walkers: Students will be escorted to the auditorium at 3:00 and can be picked up by a parent or approved guardian there.